Monday, April 18, 2011

navagraha sūkta - śukra

The mantra for śukra comes next after that for aṅgāraka or mars.

indrāṇī and indra are supposed to be the adhidevata and pratyadhidevata for this planetary deity.

Some texts indicate "indramarutva" as the pratyadhidevata for śukra. If this is right, the mantra, "indramarutva iha pāhi somam..." which forms part of the mantra in praise of bṛhaspati (Jupiter) should have been included in this mantra. Once again, this indicates a job not well-done, I feel.

ऋषि: - वसिष्ठः मैत्रावरुणिः । छन्दः - त्रिष्टुप् । दॆवता - अग्निः

ருஷி - வஸிஷ்ட: மைத்ராவருணி: | சந்தஸ் - த்ரிஷ்டுப் | தேவதா - அக்னி:

ṛṣi: - vasiṣṭhaḥ maitrāvaruṇiḥ | chandaḥ - triṣṭup | devatā - agniḥ

प्र वः शुक्राय भानवे भरध्वम् हव्यम् मतिं चाग्नये सुपूतम् ।
यॊ दैव्यानि मानुषा जनूँष्यन्तर्विश्वानि विद्मना जिगाति। ऋ. वॆ. ७. ४. १

ப்ரவ:சுக்ராய பானவே பரத்வம் |
ஹவ்யம் மதிம் சாக்நயே ஸுபூதம் |
யோ தைவ்யாநி மாநுஷா ஜநூம் ஷி |
அந்தர்விச்வானி வித்ம நா ஜிகாதி| ரு. வே. ௭. ௪. ௧

pravaśśukrāya bhānave bharadhvam |
havyam matiṃ cāgnaye supūtam |
yo daivyāni mānuṣā janūm̐ ṣi |
antarviśvāni vidma nā jigāti| ṛ. ve. 7. 4. 1

O ṛtviks! prepare pure havis and prayers to that bright and resplendent agni, who reaches verything in this world and in the heavens, knowing their inner essence, and carries the oblations (made into fire) by men to the gods.


This ṛk has no connection at all with the planet venus (śukra) except the coincidence that the word śukra appears in it. But the meaning of this word śukra in ṛgvedic times was bright, resplendent, etc., and it later morphed into śukḷa in sanskrit - probably after it came to be applied to the planet and its deity. It is actually addressed to agni, as per the traditional records themselves.

This is another proof to show that the concept of navagraha is a very late entrant into hindu religious lore and, the priesthood, unable to find any relevant hymn in the ṛgveda praying to the planetary deity venus, made a hotch-potch "sūkta" so as to convince the ignorant masses that everything is in the vedas.

ऋषिः - इन्द्रः । छन्दः - पङ्क्तिः । दॆवता - इन्द्रः ।

ருஷி - இந்த்ர | சந்தஸ் - பங்க்தி | தேவதா - இந்த்ர: |

ṛṣiḥ - indraḥ | chandaḥ - paṅktiḥ | devatā - indraḥ |

इन्द्राणीमासु नारिषु सुपत्नीमहमश्रवम् ।
नह्यस्या अपरंचन जरसा मरते पतिः । ऋ. वॆ. १०.८६.११

இந்த்ராணீம் ஆஸு நாரிஷு ஸுபத்நீமஹமச்ரவம் |
நஹ்யஸ்யா அபரம்சந ஜரஸா மரதே பதி: |
ரு. வே. ௰.௮௬.௧௧

indrāṇīm āsu nāriṣu supatnīmahamaśravam |
nahyasyā aparaṃcana jarasā marate patiḥ |
ṛ. ve. 10.86.11

This ṛk is part of what the vedic scholars call vṛṣākapi sūkta. In this verse indra admires (extols) indrāṇī . He says, "I have heard that indrāṇī is the most famous among auspicious women; indra is not affected by old age and decay, and he does not die. indra who is the husband of indrāṇī is (therefore) above the entire universe."

ऋषिः - मधुच्छन्दाः वैश्वामित्रः । छन्दः - गायत्री । देवता - इन्द्रः।

ருஷி: - மதுச்சந்தா: வைச்வாமித்ர: | சந்த: - காயத்ரீ| தேவதா - இந்த்ர:|

ṛṣiḥ - madhucchandāḥ vaiśvāmitraḥ | chandaḥ - gāyatrī | devatā - indraḥ|

इन्द्रं वॊ विश्वतस्परि हवामहे जनेभ्यः ।
अस्माकमस्तु केवलः ॥ ऋ. वे. १.७.१०

இந்த்ரம் வோ விச்வதஸ்பரி ஹவாமஹே ஜநேப்ய: |
அஸ்மாகமஸ்து கேவலஃ || ரு. வே. ௧.௭.௰

indraṃ vo viśvataspari havāmahe janebhyaḥ |
asmākamastu kevalaḥ || ṛ. ve. 1.7.10

I invite indra who is above this world, on behalf of all of us.
May he become the most bounteous towards us.

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